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How to be featured

If you would like to have a conversation with us and be featured on our Blog/Podcast/YouTube Channel. Please send us an email at and include the following information. Please note that only English speakers can be featured at this time and you must send your email in English:

Hello and thank you for being a fabulous woman with a business! Below are some questions to help me get to know you and help me to improve our conversation! If there is a particular topic that you would like to avoid or a particular topic you would like to focus on please make a note of it at the end of the questionnaire! Please note that our conversation will not be in this question/answer format, these are just questions to help me get to know you! However, I will be introducing you and your business(es) with the information you give me in the first question! After your questionnaire is received it will be reviewed, I will let you know what I would like to focus on for our conversation, and I will give you some possible schedule dates for you to choose from.

What is the name of your business(es), what do you do, and where can people find you?

When did you start your business?

Are you full time, part time or seasonal?

Are you married, single, in a long term relationship?

Do you have children? How many?

Do you work by yourself? With your spouse? Have employees?

In the next 12 months are you expecting to grow your business, stay about the same, or reduce your business?

If you are planning to expand or reduce your business, do you have a plan to do this?

Would you be willing to share details about this in our conversation?

What areas do you think you have the most knowledge in that you could share with other women in business (pick 1 but not more than 5)

Work/life balance with spouse/partner
Work/life balance with friends/extended family
Work/life balance with motherhood/household duties
Product development
Social media
Goal setting
Goal achievement
Time management
Product line expansion
Networking/Collaboration with other businesses
Retail sales
Book keeping
Developing multiple income streams

What area do you think you need the most help with from the list below? (Pick 1 but not more than 5)

Work/life balance with spouse/partner
Work/life balance with friends/extended family
Work/life balance with motherhood/household duties
Product development
Social media
Goal setting
Goal achievement
Time management
Product line expansion
Networking/Collaboration with other businesses
Retail sales
Book keeping
Developing multiple income streams

If you sell physical items, where do you currently sell them? brick and mortar that you run, wholesale or consign to other brick and mortar, online (which venues), trade shows (wholesale buyers), craft/retail shows, mostly to friends and family, home party type events

Are you hoping to start selling your items at any of the above places in the future?

Do you have a plan to do so?

Do you have close and personal relationships with other women in business? If yes, how do you think these relationships are beneficial to you?

Are there any topics that you would like to focus on or avoid during our conversation?


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