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Time Management - Tips for Women Entrepreneurs - Part 5 Grace and Understanding

This is the last post in the Time Management Series!  You can find post 1 here, post 2 here, post 3 here, and post 4 here!  Today we will be wrapping up this series talking about grace, understanding, and perfection.

Time is a tricky thing ... We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and none of us really know how many days we are going to get!  I came up with the idea for this group, blog, project about 6 months ago and I am just now getting around to making it happen.  You know why?  Because life, life happens, and we don't always get to choose what things happen, when they happen, and the extent of them.

Despite my best intentions, there have been plenty of years that I planted a garden and things didn't get harvested.  I've learned to appreciate the beauty of okra flowers, how large squash and zucchini can grow over night, and that feeding wildlife is much easier than I have ever anticipated.  This picture is from June 29, 2010 and the realities of how much you could grow in one small or large, depending on who you ask, garden was fully evident.  I've had to accept that I have physical limitations and having a 7 acre flower farm may not ever happen.  Nonetheless, I will keep working toward that goal because I know that gardening feeds my soul.

You must extend grace and understanding to yourself, and those around you.  Ask for help when you need it, ask questions if you don't know how to do something, and give help and answers when you can.  Always being careful not to over extend yourself, and always being thankful to those that are willing to help you in your journey.

Even the best time managers will get behind, overwhelmed, and let chips fall.  Don't beat yourself up about it when it happens.  Apologize if your slip up affects someone else and do your best to make up for the consequences.  Expect that it will happen, and then readjust, do not dwell on your mistakes.

When you give help, don't overextend yourself.  Know your limitations and don't become a sacrificial lamb.  When you receive free help, accept it, even if it isn't perfect or the way you would have done it. When you pay for help, hire slow and fire fast.

When you are given advice, think about it, and think about it objectively.  You do not have to take every piece of advice that is given to you.  You would be wise to objectively look at each piece of advice though and keep it in your pocket of thoughts.  Do not take the advice and opinions of those that do not live in your home personally.  I fully put myself in this category for you as well, read my words, and implement what feels right for you and your situation!

Pay attention to yourself and how you feel mentally about the way you are spending your time.  Adjust as necessary, and again, ask for help!

And, thank you, if you have made it to the end of this series, I appreciate you.  I appreciate your time and that you have spent a portion of it reading the words I have written.  I hope that in some small way, it will help you think about how you manage your time and the activities that are important to you.


  1. Thank you for sharing all of your insight and tips, April. I've realized I need to spend more time being planful and prioritizing my to-do lists

    1. Thanks for reading along! We are all in this together!


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